November 1, 2009

My Baby Brother

It's almost time for my baby brother to be born and I am so excited to meet him. These are the pictures we took while baby "B" is in Mommy's belly. Hopefully I get to post some real pictures of him and introduce you soon!

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I'm finally catching up my blog from this summer and have tons of pictures to show you. I was way to busy having fun to be on the computer, sorry! Here's a quick rundown of all the fun stuff we did...chased bubbles, drew on the sidewalk, went to family BBQ's, celebrated my friends Kaila and Nana's birthdays, went to the zoo (a lot!), met Bob the Builder at the Children's Museum, rode the Max train, went to Oaks Park with my cousin Nadallie, played with cousins and family, got sick =(, played in all the water I could find, went on a few day trips to the beach, hiked to a waterfall, went to Sandy Mountain Festival, walked around the waterfront, played at the mall and outside playgrounds, got new books at the library, and helped Daddy mow the yard. Phew I'm tired!

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Oregon State Fair

We went to the Oregon State Fair with Caden again this year. We got to see the animals, climb on tractors, check out army vehicles, decorate cookies, play games, and go on the rides. It was so much fun!! I loved the games with prizes and the rides, but the mean people wouldn't let me go on most of them. I really wanted to go on the roller coasters but the lady said I was too little, whatever!

I can't wait until next year when I'm a really big girl and Caden and I can go on all the rides together.

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Camping at Frog Lake

We went on my very first camping trip in August. It was so much fun! We tried to go to Lost Lake but it was already full, so we found the very last spot at Frog Lake. I loved the tent and had lots of fun playing with my toys in there. I got a really cool new Princess bed, but it was scary to sleep in by myself so I got to sleep with Mommy and Daddy in their bed.

We also went for a hike around the lake, threw lots of rocks in the water, floated around in the boat, and ate yummy smores by the campfire. We never made it fishing but me with fish hooks was probably a bad idea anyway.

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Enchanted Forest

We went to the Enchanted Forest for the first time this summer. It was really cool with little houses, towns, slides, and fun rides. I got a little scared in some of the dark houses, but I tried to be brave. I even went on the bumper boats all by myself (for a few minutes until I couldn't find mommy in the crowd and asked to get out) and on the big roller coaster with Daddy. My favorite things were the big slide and the train.

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Family Reunion

Earlier this summer we went to the Barker family reunion (Grandpa Richardson's side) at Ft. Stevens in Astoria. We had a lot of fun playing on the beach and checking out the ship wreck. Then we went back to the picnic area and I played with all my cousins while Grandpa Richardson ran the auction for the adults.

We were almost ready to leave and I decided to drink a cup of sand. NOT a good idea! It was really yucky and I just looked at Mommy with a horrified expression on my face. But then everyone started laughing so I turned into a goofball running around in circles and laughing with sand oozing down my face. Daddy finally helped me wash it all out (or drink it actually, I didn't understand the concept of spitting) and then we drove home.

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Happy Birthday to Me

I turned 2 on July 6th and I am such a big girl now. I'm able to say so many words and starting to put small sentences together. We had a birthday party at my house with friends and family and I got so many nice presents. Here's the pictures from the party (sorry for the weird colors, our camera got stuck in some wacky setting)...

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And here's my 2 year old "photo shoot" with mommy...

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October 1, 2009

Our First Garden

We put in our first garden this year and it has been so much fun. I helped plant everything and love picking the vegetables when they get ripe (and sometimes when they're not so ripe). Here's a video of me planting the potatoes and some pictures from planting and harvest.

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June 6, 2009


In May we went on our family vacation to Oahu. It was a really long plane ride but I was a good girl and took a nap, watched the DVD player, and played with my toys. We stayed in an awesome hotel that had fun pools, a lagoon, and animals all around. My favorite part was the penguins, we went to visit them everyday.

Mostly we played at the hotel, but we also drove to the North Shore one day and went to the Sea Life Park. We also visited our old neighbors who moved to Oahu last summer. I had so much fun playing with Blake and Sami.

We only went to the beach a little bit. I liked playing in the sand, but didn't really like to walk on it. It was too weird and kept moving under my feet. I didn't really like the ocean either because it was so cold. I preferred the pool (although it was a little cold too) with my floaty.

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Trying on swimsuits in the hotel:

Playing in the sand (notice how I'm safely sitting on the towel):

Playing in the pool with Dada:

Catching Up...February - May

Well I'm finally almost caught up, but I realized I haven't shared any monthly pictures and milestones with you since February, oops! I'm really turning into a big kid and talking like crazy, feeding myself without too much spilling, and just yesterday learned how to put my shoes on. I can say over 200 words and talk in sentences. The words aren't always in the right order, but I get them all out.

We've done lots of fun things the last few months as you'll see in the pictures. I took a gymnastics class and learned how to hang on the bar and walk on the balance beam. Mostly I just liked to climb on the bleachers though. I love playing with kids and talk about Caden, Nana, and Kaila all the time. I love going to Omsi, Children's Museum, the zoo, and playdates with friends. I also love anything outside - helping in the yard, washing the car, and most of all chasing kids around the neighborhood. I'm so excited for summer!

Enjoy the pics...

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Fun at the Children's Museum

We went to the Children's Museum for the first time a couple months ago and it was so fun. They have a grocery store, doctor's office, bus, and all kinds of things that are just my size. There was also a special Bob the Builder exhibit so I got to see all my favorite characters. We got a pass for the year so I can go back and play as much as I want. Yeah!

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Mommy and I made cookies awhile ago and I was such a good helper. I put every ingredient in the bowl (well except the eggs) and stirred them up. I also did an excellent job of taste testing the dough and resulting cookies. The gooey melted chocolate chips were the yummiest thing ever!

Here's some video of me helping:

Checking on the cookies:

Tasting my masterpiece:

Beach Trip with Nana

On the first nice weekend of the year we went on a quick day trip to the beach with Aunt Stacie, Uncle Steve, Aunt Alyssa, and Nana. We went to Seaside and played on the beach. I loved the sand and Nana loved the water. I thought the water was nice too, but I wasn't going to lay down in it like Nana; she's crazy! Daddy built a big tunnel for me in the sand, but I was too scared to go in it.

Finally we drove to Cannon Beach for dinner and ice cream. It was my first time eating ice cream and it was great. I got my own spoon and stole bites from everyone so I could try all the different flavors. I think chocolate was my favorite.

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Happy Easter

Easter was so much fun this year. Finding eggs is my favorite game and I still play it months later. I was really sick the week before Easter with pneumonia and ear infection, but thankfully I got better just in time for the weekend. On Saturday, we went to the Sturm family Easter and Aunt Betty had an Easter basket with my name on it filled with goodies from the Easter bunny. I got my first taste of chocolate and it was so yummy! I had so much fun playing with my cousins and riding the 4-wheeler and mule.

Easter morning I woke up and found an Elmo basket from the Easter bunny and then looked for the eggs that he hid around the house. Then we went to Gammy and Paba's for Easter breakfast. We came home so I could take a nap, and then we had more Easter fun with Caden and Nana at our house in the afternoon. Caden had special eggs that were hid just for him in harder spots, but I found them anyway. I was an egg-finding pro by this point.

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Easter morning video:

Easter afternoon with Caden and Nana video:

May 27, 2009

Family Vacation in San Diego

This is old news now, but in March we went on a family vacation to San Diego. It was so much fun. I got to spend a whole week with mama, dada, Uncle Trav, Gammy, Paba, GG, and Pa. We stayed in condos in Oceanside right next to the harbor and I loved going for walks to see the boats. We went to the Wild Animal Park, San Diego Zoo, and Sea World.

My favorite parts of the trip were the carousel at Wild Animal Park, the penguins at Sea World, berries for breakfast, and of course playing with everyone. Mommy's favorite part of the trip was taking me to Paba every morning when I woke up at 6:00 and then going back to bed. This trip was also the beginning of my wonderful talking skills, I learned lots of new words and started saying more and more everyday.

Here's some pictures and video of our fun times:

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And here's a random collection of videos:

March 22, 2009


Mommy helped me put together a video of some of the words I can say. I've been a little camera shy so we were only able to capture a few words.

March 18, 2009

My Latest Obsession

I love seeing videos and pictures of my friend Kaila on her blog. Each day I take mommy and daddy to the computer about 10 times and ask to see her. If they don't help, I just climb up on the chair myself. I know how to scroll the page with the mouse, but I haven't quite figured out how to type yet. I also throw a mini-tantrum everytime mommy makes me stop watching. Apparently she thinks I need to try a few other activities during the day, whatever.

February 27, 2009

18 and 19 Months

I know, I know, I'm so far behind. I'll try to get better about posting. I'm 19 months now (almost 20 actually) and spend most days running from mommy, learning new words, feeding myself, and seeing what I can get away with.

I occasionally get in trouble, but so far mommy and daddy haven't figured out a discipline that works well. Most of their attempts just make me giggle and I flash them my sly little grin. Lately mommy tries a "timeout", but I don't really get it. IF I sit where I'm supposed to for the required time, I get back up and do exactly what I was doing before; then repeat. Good thing most of the time I'm a sweet little angel.

I'm getting really good at talking and can say lots of words - mama, dada, GG, Pa, Nana (Krystiana), Kai, baby, kitty, duck, bird, moon, hat, ball, truck, boat, train, hand, eye, knee, teeth (my fave activity - brushing my teeth), hot, owie, help, chee (cheese), nunny (bunny crackers), juice, nana (banana), bowl, pu (cup), Twilight (my fave book), Bob (the Builder, my favorite show), t (tv), tan (crayon), pull (my request at the sight of any wagon, ride-on toy, etc.), dirt, and probably some more that I can't think of right now.

Here's some pics from the last couple months. There's not many because mommy's too busy chasing me to grab the camera.

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January 24, 2009

Merry Christmas

It's a little late, but Merry Christmas! We had a wonderful Christmas with family. For Christmas eve we went to GG and Pa's and Santa came to visit. On Christmas day, we found our present and stocking stuffers from Santa, then went to Gammy and Pappie's (after almost getting stuck in our neighborhood), and finally to Aunt Stacie's and Uncle Steve's for our Richardson Christmas. I got lots of wonderful presents from everyone including my favorite - my very own vacuum.

Here's pictures of all the festivities:

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Snow Days

This is old news now, but we had a lot of snow in December. I got all bundled up and went out sledding with mommy and daddy. I loved the snow even though it was cold. Mommy had to force me to go inside.

Here's a picture of me in my cute snow gear:

And here's a sledding video. It may not look like I'm enjoying it, but I loved it and wanted to ride over and over again. I also rode down the hill with mommy and daddy, but that was a bit too windy and cold for me.

January 16, 2009

Watch Out For the Monster

..I'll be back soon to catch up on Christmas and 1.5 years posts...