September 12, 2008

Big Girl Tricks

Mommy captured lots of videos lately of all the "big girl" things I can do. Enjoy...

Kicking a ball:

Eating with a fork:

Riding my bike:

And coloring:

14 Months Old

Let's see what did I do this month...oh ya, learned to walk!! I'm walking all over the place now and mommy and I walk to get the mail everyday. I can even walk in shoes (my cool Nikes). Mommy says I've also become a "total goofball". My favorite thing to do is walk around the house with things on my hands/arms...baskets, shoes, bibs, underwear, anything I can get my hands on. I've also figured out how to open the cupboards and drawers so I'm having fun playing with the tupperware.

We were busy doing lots of fun stuff this month so I didn't have time for individual blog entries, but we went to Nike and the Employee store with Vadim (daddy worked with him at Freightliner), went hiking at Silver Falls and to the Oregon State Fair with Tracy, Heidi, and Caden, played in the splash pad at the park with Kaila, visited Gammy each weekend at the farmers market, and went to daddy's softball games.

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