April 30, 2008


Sorry I haven't posted much lately. I haven't been feeling well because I have 3 teeth coming in. There's one on the bottom that's been just barely poking through for almost a month now and two on top. Here's my pearly whites (I don't have a good photo of the bottom one):

And here's what I've been spending a lot of time doing lately:

April 13, 2008

Merbabes & Me Swim Class

We started a swim class last week with Kai and Sarah. It's really fun and I'm getting more comfortable in the water. We sing songs, jump in the water, and splash around. I'm suppose to put my ears in the water too, but I'm not sure I like that yet.

Gammy came to take pictures of class for your viewing pleasure. Thanks Gammy!

To view full screen click here.

April 12, 2008

Here I Go...

I've been getting a bit better each day and I'm finally ready for my crawling debut.

April 10, 2008

I'm Crawling!

At least I think I am. I'm not sure when you're officially "crawling", but I can crawl about 10 steps if there's something I want. Most of the time I still just sit and play with the things around me, but it's nice being able to get to something if I want it. My best motivators so far are the Wii remotes, mommy's slippers, and my stuffed animals.

I refuse to crawl for the camera so I don't have any video to share. Maybe after I improve my skills a little bit, we'll see...

9 Month Doctor Appt

My doctor visit wasn't too bad this month - no shots!! I got to play with the doctor's stethescope. She leaned in too close so I licked it and then grabbed it. She said everything looks fine, but she thought my head was still too small. Aren't we past that yet?! Here's my stats on the growth charts:

I dropped a bit in weight, but the doctor wasn't really concerned. She did say I should be eating more solids though and that I need to start eating thicker textures. I don't like the thick stuff though, it makes me gag. I think I got mommy's taste buds and texture aversion.

April 6, 2008

9 Months Old

Can you believe I'm 9 months old today?! Time goes so fast. I've been really busy this month exploring everything around me. I've learned how to situp, get up on all fours, crawl a few "steps" (usually backwards), and drink from a sippy cup.

My favorite games are playing my piano, talking to myself in the mirror, banging any and all toys together, seeing how many things I can pick up with one hand (usually 2 blocks), pulling my socks off my feet and banging them together or chewing on them, and stretching/rolling/lunging to get anything that mommy and daddy don't want me to have.

I'm also getting my first tooth. It's just barely poking through the gums. I'm eating pretty much the same stuff as last month. Mommy's tried giving me yogurt and finger foods, but I don't like either of them. Yogurt still tastes gross even with sweet potatoes mixed in, so you know it's bad! I hate the texture of finger foods. As soon as they touch my tongue, I crinkle up my face and start gagging. I'm sticking with the purees for now (especially my veggies, I love them!) and trying to steal the spoon as often as possible to feed myself.

This month was also busy with fun events - Easter, Vic & Margaret's 50th anniversary, Aunt Rhonda visiting, mommy's friend Kristi visiting, a playdate and a party with Kai and her friends, and meeting baby Evan.

To view full screen click here.

April 5, 2008

Crib Escapades (Updated)

Each day I figure out a new way to try and escape or play in my crib. Here's a few pictures mommy captured of my fun.

Here I am peeking through the side. I watch mommy and daddy leave the room (so I know when to start crying) and peek out when I wake up from my nap. It worked really well until last week when I learned to situp. Now I can just look over the rail instead.

Last night I tried getting to the camera eyeball again, but it's still too high after daddy moved it. Luckily I found the cord though so I yanked on it and made the camera move up and down. It was really cool and got mommy and daddy's attention fast.

UPDATE: I had to add this picture from today. It was so awesome. I pulled myself up to standing and was able to reach over the crib and pull out the basket on my changing table. I didn't find anything very interesting in there, but I had fun looking.

April 1, 2008


I've been practicing talking a lot lately and I'm getting pretty good at making different noises. I haven't combined them into any words yet (at least ones that mommy and daddy can understand), but they sound really cool.

Here's a video of me telling daddy that I love him. Ok so maybe not, but it makes mommy and daddy happy so let's humor them.