February 12, 2008

Hello Sweet Potatoes

Wow, have you ever tasted sweet potatoes? Best food ever! I don't know why mommy and daddy gave me all that yucky stuff first, these are sooooo good.

Here's all the foods I've tried so far:

Cereal (rice and oatmeal) - love it, but my tummy doesn't
Applesauce - pretty good; hated it at first, but just cause it was the first thing with actual flavor that I tried
Bananas - yummy
Pears - tastes okay, but gave me a rash
Peas - tolerable
Carrots - makes me gag (literally)

Mommy says I get to try peaches next and then green beans.

February 8, 2008

7 Months Old

I'm 7 months old now and getting so big all of a sudden. I sit up all by myself, take baths in the big tub, eat (kind of) solid food, and roll around to grab my toys. I'm also starting to learn how to "crawl", but I don't like my tummy so instead I arch my back so that only my head and legs are touching the ground and then kick so I move forward.

Here's pictures from this month:

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February 2, 2008

Splish Splash I Was Takin a Bath

I got upgraded to the big bathtub yesterday. I wasn't sure about it at first because it was hard to balance with my legs floating. By the end I really enjoyed it and there were fun toys to play with. My favorite (and mommy's) was the cute little turtle that floated on his back.


This is my favorite new game. I play it everytime I'm in my crib. I even keep playing after mommy and daddy leave the room, but there's no one left to say "where's Shaylee" so I just lay there with the blanket over my head waving my arms in the air.