March 26, 2008

Going Mobile....Almost

Well I haven't figured out this crawling thing yet, but I think I'm getting really close. I started out by rolling around to my toys or turning in circles while seated. That worked okay, but I couldn't get to anything directly in front of me and I couldn't sit up once I found the toy I wanted.

Now I learned how to sit up by myself, so I can grab a toy and then sit up and play. It makes playtime so much more fun. Although naptimes are a little rough because I like to sit up in my crib too, but then I play for too long and get overtired and grumpy. Here's a video of me sitting up:

I've also figured out how to get up on my knees (that one leg kept getting stuck underneath me, but I finally figured it out). I can't quite move forward yet, but I'm getting stronger and it won't be long. Here's a video of my first forward movement (watch closely!):

Mommy and daddy better start baby-proofing. I just need the right toy for motivation and I'm off...

Happy Easter

Happy Easter everyone. We went to GG's for Easter and I played with my cousins Emily and Nadallie. I got to wear a really pretty dress and I smiled and showed off for everyone. After Easter we stopped by Aunt Stacie's because Aunt Rhonda is visiting this week. This was the first time I got to meet her, she's really nice.

Here's a few pictures of my Easter photo shoot with mommy and Easter day with my cousins.

To view pictures full screen click here.

(Sorry about the Do Not Copy thing across some of the pics. Mommy shares those with her photography board and she was too lazy to make another version)

March 7, 2008

Try It You'll Like It... GG likes to say. I'm not sure I buy it though. I think I got mommy's taste buds. Here's a photo collection mommy put together of all my "tries":

8 Months Old

This month I really started to explore my surroundings. I try to grab anything within arms reach (which is pretty far, you should see how flexible I am) and try to roll, scoot, or arch my way around the room. I haven't figured out that crawling thing yet, but I've been spending a lot more time on my tummy and building up my arm muscles so it won't be long. Mommy and daddy need to start baby proofing soon, just yesterday I found a fun electrical cord plugged into the wall to play with. My favorite game is banging things together - anything I can get my hands on and most recently just my hands (who knew you didn't need any toys to make loud noises!).

On the down side, I got sick for the first time this month (but recovered quickly). My mouth also hurts a lot. Mommy thinks its teeth, but they never show up - they just make me drool a lot and bite on everything.

We're seeing the first signs of spring in Oregon and it's been nice to get outside. We go for walks around the neighborhood with mama kitty and yesterday I played in the yard while mommy and daddy washed the car. Oh speaking of cars, we got a new one and I moved into my big girl car seat so I'm riding in style now.

I also helped Pappie and Judy celebrate their birthdays this month and gave lots of loves on my first Valentine's Day.

To view pictures full screen click here.

March 5, 2008

If You're Happy and You Know It...

...clap your hands.

March 4, 2008

Go Blazers

I went to my first Blazer game last Sunday. At first I wasn't sure what to think, there were millions of crazy people yelling all around me. They would get quiet and then all of a sudden they would start yelling again and scare me. I got used to it though and watched the pretty screen with bright flashing colors. We borrowed Cousin Caden's earmuffs to protect my ears (he got to wear them to Monster trucks). I wore them the whole time and never complained.


A few weeks ago (I'm a little behind on my blogging), I got caught playing with the "eyeball" in my room. In the corner of my crib, there's an eyeball looking thing with a bright green light that watches me when I sleep. I finally figured out how to roll over to it and reach up and grab it. Unfortunately, mommy and daddy caught me and moved it to the back corner of the crib that's higher and I can't reach (believe me, I've tried!).