September 28, 2007

First Trip to Heppner

I made my first trip to Heppner on Labor Day weekend. Tracy, Heidi and Caden came with us and brought lots of 4 wheelers. We stayed in Gammy and Pappie's cabin. They were in the Walla Walla mountains setting up a hunting camp, but they stopped by on their way home. Heppner's not exactly on the way, but they couldn't miss my first Heppner trip. GG and Vic were also there that weekend and GG was very nice and watched me so that mommy and daddy could ride 4 wheelers (and they had so much fun!!).

I got to ride on the 4 wheeler from the cabin down to GG's. It was pretty fun watching the trees go by. Here's a pic:

Mommy and daddy brought my bouncer to entertain me and it was really cool. The toy bar has a monkey that swings in a tree and a frog that jumps out from a bush. I really like the frog, he makes me smile.

It was a lot of fun, but I was ready to come home. I missed my ladybugs in my crib and my swing for naps.

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