I'm 1 year old! Can you believe it?! I'm such a big girl. I've learned lots of big girl things this month too. I can say hi, baby, ball, mama, and papa. I can use a spoon and eat big girl food; no gross baby food for me anymore. I learned to cry when toys are taken away from me and make a really sad face in hopes of getting them back. Unfortunately it hasn't been very effective yet. I love flipping pages in my books, throwing a ball, and I'm able to play with a lot more of my toys - stacking rings, dropping balls in the Dragon thing, and sorting shapes (although I'm not very good at this one yet).
I'm considering walking, but not quite ready yet. I like to walk when mommy or daddy holds me up with at least one hand. Maybe next month I'll let go, but it's still too scary for now. My favorite foods are mac-n-cheese, string cheese, and green beans.
I'm really loving the summer, we get to do so many fun things. I play with my cousin Krystiana at least once a week. So far we've gone to Omsi, the park, and played at each others houses. Rumor has it that next month we get to go to the zoo. I'm not sure what that is, but it sounds cool.
We also had a lot of fun celebrations this month - Grandpa Grant's birthday, Laura's college graduation, Kendall's bridal shower, Hawe's going away party (our neighbors that just moved to Hawaii!), Ben's 30th birthday, Kristi's 30th birthday, Kraig's 21st birthday, and 4th of July. And on top of all that I spent time cheering GG up after she broke her arm. I try not to wiggle around too much so she can still hold me. What a month!
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